“Dedicated to the advancement of sugar glider medicine & stewardship for Veterinarians and the pet owners they serve.”



Sugar Glider Sugar Bear Dangerous Foods 3

Sugar glider sugar bears are omnivorous by nature, and therefore they can eat quite a lot of stuff, in fact, just about anything that they can find. Therefore it is very important and essential that you take care of what you feed them.


Firstly, make sure that your sugar glider sugar bear doesn’t eat any chocolate, even in small quantities. This is because they are very small in size and even small chocolate intakes can harm them immensely. Next thing to avoid for your sugar glider sugar bear would be diary products. This is because most sugar glider sugar bears are lactose intolerant and therefore you should avoid feeding them foods like cheese and ice cream, the only exception being that quite a few sugar glider sugar bears can take in small amounts of flavored yogurt.


You should also avoid high risk fruits and vegetables, which means you should not feed your sugar glider sugar bear foods that are treated with pesticides or that are very hard to clean thoroughly and completely. Some of these to avoid would be foods such as blackberries, raspberries, broccoli and cauliflower. Sugar glider sugar bears love to eat nuts and seeds, but you should keep these foods at a very minimum, the reason being they have little nutrition value but have a lot of fat content in them. Thus you should only keep them for an occasional and rare treat. The subject of grapes and raisins is a widely debated issue but there is no real reason to believe that they can harm your sugar glider sugar bears when fed occasionally.


Many pet owners actually do feed their sugar glider sugar bears grapes and raisins every once in a while and haven’t documented any problems. Use your own judgment on this one, but be cautious with them. Finally remember that any excess feeding of your pet can be harmful, so appreciate the fact they are tiny, and a little for us can mean a real lot to them.

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