Unable to connect to the database! Sugar Gliders and Sugar Bears|Videos

Due to all the contradictory – and misleading – information promoted for years on amateur websites and chatrooms, many current Sugar Glider owners are not aware that the outdated dietary and care practices they are following could actually be harming their pets.  As such, the Association of Sugar Glider Veterinarians (ASGV)™ has produced the following series of short educational videos.  They are designed specifically to “cut through” all the Internet hype, and give owners like yourself safe, reliable ways to feed and care for your Sugar Glider(s) – based on solid Veterinary science and field research.

Since almost all of the medical problems seen by Vets are related to improper diet,
we suggest you watch all these videos – IN THE ORDER THEY ARE LISTED.  For your convenience, you can also print out a written transcript of each video.


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** Note: You will need Flash player to view these videos.  Click here for free download**