Unable to connect to the database! Sugar Gliders and Sugar Bears|Owners Checklist

(courtesy of The North American Sugar Glider Association™ - www.mynasga.org )
  • Thoroughly research all aspects of ownership at www.ASGV.org ...

  • Never purchase from the Internet ...

  • Always meet the seller  in person, and ask at least - the following 7 questions:


    This is an “all-or-nothing” question. The breeding of sugar gliders is strictly regulated by the Federal Government, and the USDA imposes high standards of health and safety on those who qualify to get a breeder’s license. Due to an outbreak of unscrupulous internet merchants disguising themselves as small “mom & pop” breeders, many states are now requiring that owners can only purchase sugar gliders directly from a USDA Licensed breeder. If the person you’re talking to can’t show you a physical copy of their USDA License, walk away.

  2. "WHAT KIND OF SUPPORT WILL YOU GIVE ME AFTER I GET MY BABIES?" All reputable breeders will already have a formal “after-the-sale” education program in place for all its new parents. This should include a wide range of written material and instructional videos covering every topic related to the animal’s care and well-being, and a convenient way for you to contact them whenever you have a question.

  3. "CAN I HOLD YOUR ANIMALS?" This is the best possible way to tell if the people you are talking to really know what they’re doing. Reputable breeders will gladly let you hold any of their adult animals without hesitation. The animals should be friendly, tame, and affectionate. They should demonstrate obedience without being tied to a leash or restrained in any way. Also, check to see if the animal has a strong odor. Healthy sugar gliders (when fed the correct diet) should not have an offensive smell. NOTE: Reputable breeders normally will not let strangers hold young babies.

  1. "HOW OLD ARE THE BABIES I WOULD BE GETTING?" The correct answer to this question is between 7 and 12 weeks out of the pouch. The “bonding phase” of a sugar glider’s life takes place primarily at this age, and it becomes much more difficult to bond with an animal if the process has not at least started by this time. QUICK TIP: The best way to tell if a sugar glider is old enough for adoption is to look at its tail. It should be “bushy”, not slick or flat.

  2. "WHAT KIND OF HEALTH GUARANTEED DO YOU GIVE? IS IT IN WRITING? "Reputable USDA Licensed Breeders will already have an established, written health guarantee and replacement policy. The industry standard consists of: 1) a short “free” replacement period (usually 2-3 days) if the animal dies for any reason, PLUS 2) a slightly longer “reduced cost” replacement period if the animal happens to die after that (usually an additional 1-2 weeks).

  3. "DO YOU HAVE THE ANIMALS HERE OR WILL I HAVE TO ORDER THEM?" The average female sugar glider only has 2-3 babies per year. They have become so popular in the last few years that it’s not unusual to have to “order” your animals and then have them hand-delivered a few weeks later. If the people you are speaking with have babies right there that you can take home with you great - but if not, ordering them directly from a Federally-Licensed USDA Breeder helps ensure that you’re dealing with reputable people, and quality animals.

  4. "IF I HAVE TO ORDER THEM, HOW WILL I PICK THEM UP?" The best answer to this question is that they will be “driven” in and hand-delivered. There are many hidden health and safety problems associated with shipping individual sugar gliders on airplanes, so don’t risk it.